WOD @ 14. 10. 2024

For time:
1,000-meter row
800-meter run
500-meter row
400-meter run
250-meter row
200-meter run

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Today’s workout is a moderate time-domain endurance-based effort. Push the pace where you can. As the meters decrease in both the run and row, try to keep the throttle down. If you are looking for a place to breathe, consider easing up on the rower. Barring technique on the rower, it can take a considerable effort to row 5 to 10 seconds faster. Instead, in theory, you can make up that time on the run.

Intermediate option: Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option / For time:
500-meter row
400-meter run
250-meter row
200-meter run
150-meter row
100-meter run

Coaching cues:
Count your stroke-to-recovery-stroke ratio. To recover and catch your breath while still moving on the rower, consider a 1-second pull followed by a 3- to 4-second return to the catch position. If you feel good and are looking to push, consider a 1-second pull followed by a 1- to 2-second return to the catch position. This strategy will help you manage your pace based on how you're feeling during the workout.