WOD @ 08. 11. 2024

3 rounds for time of:
35 GHD sit-ups
70 double-unders
400-meter run

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Today’s workout is a bit of a midline burner. Expect the GHD sit-ups to challenge your posture for the double-unders and the run. This will force you to put extra emphasis on maintaining better posture and a rigid midline throughout the workout. With that said, if you are not accustomed to the GHD, you should consider scaling the reps and range of motion. If you struggle with double-unders, do not spend more than 2 minutes working on this movement. Instead, spend the 2 minutes accumulating attempts and then move on to the run after time is up.

Intermediate option / 3 rounds for time of:
25 GHD sit-ups to parallel
40 double-unders
400-meter run

Beginner option / 3 rounds for time of:
20 sit-ups
40 single-unders
200-meter run

Coaching cues:
As your midline gets fatigued, you might begin to “slouch” with your posture on your double-unders. This makes it difficult to breathe and recover. Focus on keeping a forward gaze and being as upright as possible when you are performing double-