Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Today’s workout is a heavy day. Advanced and intermediate athletes should perform triples, while less-experienced athletes should perform a few more reps and focus on the quality of their movement. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible and push to hit a new 3-rep max. Newer athletes should work at submaximal loads, working to refine their technique and dial in consistent movement patterns.
Intermediate option: Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option: Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Coaching cues:
Right before you begin to squat, take a deep breath in. With this breath, keep your belly tight, and imagine using your belly button to push your hips back and down to the bottom of the squat. Exhale as you drive out of the bottom of the squat.