WOD @ 22. 11. 2024

For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of rope climbs to 15 feet
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of wall walks

♀ 105-lb barbell
♂ 155-lb barbell

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In today’s workout, you have four exercises with 4 minutes at each exercise. The goal is to complete as many reps of each exercise as possible. Choose a load for the barbell that allows you to move more and stare at it less. Use the same load for both the overhead squats and the thrusters. It's OK if one feels a little lighter than the other — this just means you should get more reps. For the barbell movements, aim for at least 7 reps per minute. On the rope climbs, choose an option that allows you to perform at least 2 reps per minute. For the wall walks, choose an option that allows you to perform at least 3 reps per minute. Keep in mind that more advanced athletes will be able to perform more reps. However, the numbers outlined above should help you choose appropriate scaling options to get the most out of the workout.

Intermediate option / For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of rope climbs to 12 feet
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of wall walks

♀ 75-lb barbell
♂ 115-lb barbell

Beginner option / For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of lying-to-standing
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of inchworms + push-ups from the knees

♀ 35-lb barbell
♂ 45-lb barbell

Coaching cues:
Keep the barbell over the middle of the body as you overhead squat. Press up into the bar and pull back on it slightly to keep it situated over the middle of your feet. Your ability to balance and keep a stable base will let you know if the barbell is in the right position.