WOD @ 06. 12. 2024

5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute rope climb to 15 feet
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest

For the shuttle run, 25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

Post reps to comments.

Today’s workout is a grippy breather. Expect to be out of breath and your grip to be taxed. The loading of the barbell should allow you to hang on for at least 5 reps before needing a break. Less-experienced athletes should attempt rope climbs even if they only get 1 rep. This is a great opportunity to practice and develop confidence and technique. Work hard and have fun!

Intermediate option / 5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute rope climb to 12 feet
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest

For the shuttle run, 25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

Beginner option / 5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute pull-to-stands
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest

For the shuttle run, 25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.

♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb

Coaching cues:
On the set-up of the hang power snatch, consider hinging at the hips and keeping your shoulders over the barbell. This will give you more leverage over the barbell and allow you to perform more unbroken reps.