WOD @ 16. 12. 2024

50-35-20 reps for time of:
Hand-release push-ups
Row calories

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Stimulus and Strategy: Today’s workout is a play on last Monday’s effort. It’s also a sprint. Both workouts are simple gymnastics movements followed by a sprint on a piece of monostructural equipment. However, last Monday was a pulling gymnastics function and today is pressing. Like last week, do not “game” the workout. Move as quickly as possible through the push-ups and the row. Choose options that allow you to finish in 12 minutes or less.

Scaling: Reduce the reps of both the hand-release push-ups and the calories on the rower to keep the round of 50 under 3 minutes for each movement. Perform the hand-release push-ups from the knees or perform regular push-ups with your hands on a stable 30-inch box and your feet on the floor. In case of injury or limitation, perform a single-arm dumbbell floor press in place of the hand-release push-up. If you do not have a rower, choose any other machine or run 400/300/200 meters, respectively.

Intermediate option / 35-25-15 reps for time of:
Hand-release push-ups
Row calories

Beginner option / 20-15-10 reps for time of:
Hand-release push-ups from the knees
Row calories

Coaching cues: In the push-up, the entire body should travel up and down together. To ensure the upper and lower body are connected, squeeze your quads, glutes, and abdominals throughout the movement.