WOD @ 21. 12. 2024

Complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800-meter run
20 toes-to-bars
20/30 Echo bike calories

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration effort. All athletes should aim to complete at least 3 rounds, however, some advanced athletes may be able to knock at the door of 5-6 rounds. Choose an option for toes-to-bar that allows you to maintain consistent sets of 5 or more reps.

Reduce the overall duration of the workout to 15-20 minutes.

Reduce the distance of the run to something you can complete in 5 minutes or less, the number of toes-to-bars to something you can complete in 4 sets or less, and the number of calories to something you can complete in 2 minutes or less.

Reduce the range of motion of the toes-to-bars by performing knees-to-chests, hanging knee raises, or V-ups.

In case of injury or limitation, perform 800/1,000 meters on the rower in place of the run. Perform sit-ups or a 1-minute plank hold in place of toes-to-bar. Perform a 400-meter run or 400/500-meter row in place of the calories on the bike.

Intermediate option / Complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800-meter run
20 knees-to-chests
15/20 Echo bike calories

Beginner option / Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
400-meter run
10 hanging knee raises
10/15 Echo bike calories

Coaching cues:
On longer-duration monostructural efforts, focus on maintaining better posture. Think about keeping your chest facing forward as opposed to facing the ground.