Power Amanda / 9-7-5 reps for time of:
Power snatches
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Amanda is a classic benchmark workout. Typically, this workout is performed with a squat snatch, however, today we are going to perform a power snatch. Most athletes should aim to complete the workout in 12 minutes or less. Some more advanced athletes could finish in 5 minutes or less.
Reduce the volume of the muscle-ups. Athletes who have muscle-ups, but not the overall volume, should consider reducing the repetitions to 7-5-3 or 4-3-2.
To adjust the complexity of the muscle-ups, perform a jumping muscle-up, low-ring transition, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, perform a hang power snatch, a hang muscle snatch, or a dumbbell snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing low-ring transitions, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, consider a hang power clean or single-arm dumbbell snatch.
Intermediate option / For time:
Power snatches
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option / 9-7-5 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Power snatches
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
The third pull in the snatch is you pulling yourself underneath the object, not the object up to you. After you extend your hips, pull yourself under the barbell.